“Walking down the road thinking about it. Sometimes you get to act like you see everything. Right now, in the early spring, I walk around trying to fill my eyes up.”

Thank you for this. I thought I was the only one. My eyes hurt at the end of the day from trying to take it all in. Being eyes over the age of 50, I wonder if I need glasses because they tire so easily, but mostly I think it’s because I feel like it’s my responsibility to take it all in while everyone around me has their face on a screen.

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Love it! Thank you so much. Yes - I think people are paying more attention to the natural world than they used to, but there is definitely need for more.

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Bbq raccoon was pretty good the one time I had it. But then again anything smothered in bbq sauce is edible. I’ll pass on possum, beaver, and the like. Possum is greasy. Has to be to roasted slow in the oven over a bed of sweet potatoes and even then it’s greasy. Not very many wild things my great grandmother wouldn’t cook, but possum was one of them.

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Dang! Eating supper with a friend last night and he said the same thing about raccoon, bbq and all. He said he cooked beaver one time and wouldn't eat it again. I feel like I'd try anything once. I used to LOVE greasy food but not any longer, haha.

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Mar 25Liked by Mule

Just now getting around to reading this. Makes me miss Mississippi and the space it gives a person to be. You, Wilbur and a horse in a paddock. You were blessed with Mr. Bobby. He seemed so damn sturdy I can’t believe he’s gone. And he’s right about raising boys (girls too). Unless they’re hurting someone, better to let them figure it out. But everyone takes their wings and flies eventually. 💖 I bet he finds a a way to let you know he’s still watching.

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Yes this time last year he was pulling my tractor out of a bad hole. It was heart wrenching to see ALS and Parkinsons work on him so quickly. A whole different world without him. I was walking the other day and thinking about him and looked up to see a truck identical to his cruising slowly down a side road you never see people on. It made me smile and think I hope he isn't worried about me up there. I hope he is at peace. If the car turns towards me it'll mean something. If it turns away it will mean something. It turned away and traveled slowly up the road. Anyway. Jenny said she dreamed about him last night. Sending love to you up north. The new Rooted Magazine interview is interesting because it talks about how Mississippi has allowed him to be himself perfectly. Sorry to write such a book to you.

Merrily, merrily,


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My people.

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With each passing month I fall deeper in love with you and yours.

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Hey, girl, hey! ♥️

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haaay :)

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